Monday, November 01, 2010

Using Mobile Phone For Taking Orders

This occurred to me when one of the restaurants near my office printed their mobile number as well as the land line number on the take away menu card.

Basically, whoever delivers services through phone calls like restaurants, flower merchants, grocery etc should use mobiles to receive the requests. That way they need not jot down the address or caller's name etc every time they call. All of that can be stored as the caller's name!

A similar case can be seen in Meru Cabs. Whenever you book a cab from Meru Cabs, they update the telephone number you are calling from against the address where you are located currently(Obvious, when you say I have to go from X to Y). The next time you call them from the same number, they know that you would like to book a cab from your office, home wherever you are! I love this idea. People! start implementing it!

- yam

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